Tartily Banjary

by Mutiara Qonaah (MQ) Software Developer



The Tartily Banjary method as an effective learning method to facilitate the community in learning to read the Quran. Called "Tartily" is a manifestation of a verse that commands reading the Quran with Tartil. Allah SWT said in surah Al-Muzzammil verse 4, which means "And read the Quran in tartil (slowly)." While "Banjary" is a form of religious enthusiasm of the Banjar people, with the hope that a Quran generation will be born. the baiman, bauntung, wan rock.The Tartily Banjary method was prepared using a scientific approach to the samiyyah syafahiyyah method and the Quantum Learning concept by celebrating every success in learning to foster student optimism.The Quantum Learning concept highlighted in the Tartily Banjary Method is packaged with the word "SYARIF". If outlined, the letter "S" means preparations, "Y" means confirming, "A" means teaching wan observe, "R" means rancakanakan wan rumusak, "I" means rhythm, and "F" means fasykur (thankful and celebrate )."SYARIF" is taken from the last name of Al-Azhar Al-Syarifs Quran House, the birthplace of the Tartily Banjary Method. The spirit of this last name is as the main concept of learning the Quran, while the first name is AZHAR as the main concept of character building students. If translated, the letter "A" means the Holy Quran My Guide, "Z" means Recitation of Bentengku, "H" means Memorization on my chest, "A" means the morals of my decoration and "R" means the Messenger of My Idol.